- District
January is School Board Recognition Month and Brownwood ISD (BISD) is celebrating its trustees for their dedication and commitment to the district and its students.
With more than 1,000 school districts in Texas, school board trustees are the largest group of elected officials in the state, totaling more than 7,000. Upon taking their oath of office to serve as on their local school boards, these volunteers commit to spending long hours in support of their school communities to create meaningful educational experiences and opportunities that prepare students for college, careers, and beyond.
“School Board members play a vital role in guiding our district and dedicate countless hours to their responsibilities without any compensation,” said BISD Superintendent Dr. Joe Young. “They often sacrifice time with their families and jobs to support the children in our community. I truly appreciate their service and dedication, and I am grateful that our community elects such selfless leaders.”
“This year’s theme emphasizes the critical role school board members play in shaping the future of our state,” said Dan Troxell, TASB executive director. “School boards help connect education to opportunity and the theme, ‘Leadership for Tomorrow’s Texas’ showcases their investment in our state’s future workforce.”
Board members serving Brownwood ISD include Board President Michael Cloy, Vice President Roderick B. Jones, Sr., Secretary Diane Thompson, Tim Wilson, Codie Smith, Amary Doremus, and Justin Posey.
Learn more about school board service at tasb.org.