The S.H.A.C. (School Health Advisory Committee) is a state-mandated committee that helps maintain and improve the health of our future generations. The committee members brainstorm and make decisions about topics which include: improving food nutrition, making our physical education programs more consistent and cohesive, integrating new and exciting events for students and the community and ways to improve the overall health of each student. The S.H.A.C. committee will meet four times throughout the year.
The focus of the S.H.A.C. committee are the eight components of Coordinated School Health:
1. Nutrition Services
2. Health Services
3. Healthy and Safe School Environment
4. Counseling and Mental Health Services
5. Staff Wellness Promotion
6. Parent and Community Involvement
7. Physical Education
8. Health Education
We are searching for a diverse group of volunteers (parents / guardians, business owners, and community members) who would like to make a difference in the lives of our children and our community. Volunteers are not required to be parents of a BISD student. Anyone can serve who has a passion and desire to improve the lives of the youth in our community.
If interested, please contact Cassi Stewart, LVN-